AGEM y Mercabarna están organizando conjuntamente una Misión Comercial Inversa con potenciales clientes de Alemania.

Al igual que en los ejercicios 2014 y 2015 con Francia y Reino Unido, en este 2016 se ha decidido por el Consejo de AGEM y el visto bueno de la Dirección de Mercabarna, acometer el mercado alemán.

Para ello se han efectuado estudios sectoriales y Comerciales, y finalmente se han enviado notificaciones a más de 300 potenciales clientes mayoristas y distribuidores.

En función de la respuesta de los mismos, y nueva reelección, se invitaran a los elegidos a visitar Mercabarna entre mediados y finales de Junio 2016.

Esta acción está coordinada por la Dirección de Estrategia y Marketing MB (Sr. Toni Nieto), por la Asesoría de Comercio Exterior ASSOCOME (Sr. Ramon Pau), y por los Sres. Gerente y Export Manager de AGEM (Sr. Antoni Marrugat, i Srta. Marga Soto).

E-mail enviado a los responsables de las empresas en Alemania.

For Mr. or Mrs. Manager and / or Purchasing Manager

Good afternoon,

The reason of this e-mail is to invite Your Company to come to visit Mercabarna, the biggest Fruit and Vegetables Wholesale Market in Southern Europe, situated in Barcelona.

AGEM MERCABARNA have organized a 1,5 days field trip to Barcelona, with lodging, dining and local transportation expenses paid.

As for travel tickets, we offer a reimbursement of 150 EUR per company.

The trips will are organizing in a group and will take place from middle or end of June this 2016.

If it is necessary another group is also it is will possible if a case you are interested but can’t attend during above mentioned dates.
We would like to arrange a telephone call with you to further organize the schedule of the trip and would appreciate if you let us know your availability.


About us:

Mercabarna was created in 1967 aiming at enhancing the companies’ productivity through the centralization and concentration of the wholesale markets in Barcelona in just one place. This is as beneficial for buyers as it is for sellers.

The Mercabarna Fruit and Vegetable market includes:

More than 250 companies which sell and distribute fruit and vegetables.

Companies specialized in the handling, maturing, elaboration, packaging, conservation, distribution, import and export of fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, banana, citrus, tropical products, etc.

The purchasing offices of large food distribution chains or specialized fruit companies which buy their fresh products at Mercabarna. International transport companies that offer logistic solutions from Mercabarna to any destination. Also a wide range of companies of fruit and vegetables specialized in Foodservice.

The strategic situation of Mercabarna, from a logistical point of view, makes easy the delivery and the expedition of the goods by road, sea and air, including a diary delivery in Germany.

In fact Mercabarna is only a few kilometers away from Barcelona International airport, the harbor, the TIR terminal, the merchandise railway station and the main motorways that connect Mercabarna with the European road network.

This geographical strategic situation is also one of the factors that have contributed to the positioning of Mercabarna as one of the main European markets in fresh products.

Please answer confirmation
Waiting, you answer and wishing meet us with you in Barcelona
Kind regards,


Marga Soto
Export Department
Tel:  + 34 935562000
Mob:   + 34 663836841
Carrer Major de Mercabarna, 75, 08040 Barcelona-Spain

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